Egyptian Genetic Software (EgyGene) Egyptian Genetic Software (EgyGene)

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Image Analysis

تحليل الصورة Image Analysis

The second part of the  program EgyGene GelAnalyzer4Analysis of the gel image.

Calculation of molecular sizes / weights of bands.. estimation of DNA / RNA / protein amounts.. Polymorphism.. Markers detection.. Dendrogram.. Gene and genotypic frequencies.. HW-equilibrium... etc.


Image Size

Adjusting the image size to the screen. Either fitting the image to be fully displayed on the screen or displaying it with its original size with the options to enlarge and decrease its size for more accuracy of band detection.

Adding Lanes

Adding new lanes for the gel image and determining their borders

Deleting Lanes

Delete some lanes from the gel image

Splitting Lane

Splitting a detected lane to be two lanes

Merging some lanes to be one

Resizing Lane

Resize the borders of a detected lane on the gel image

Tilted lane

Draw a tilted lane or a lane with un-equal widths seems to be as a trapezoid (or something similar) instead of its traditional rectangle shape.

Adding Bands

Adding new bands for the gel image and determining their borders

Deleting Bands

Delete some bands from the gel image

Splitting Bands

Splitting a detected band to be two of them

Merging Bands

Merging some bands to be only one

Resizing Band

Resize the borders of a detected band on the gel image

أسماء العينات

Naming the lanes to be included in the results of the analysis

Marker Values

Enters the values for molecular sizes\weights and the amount of DNA\protein for the standard sample to estimate the equivalent unknown values for every band on the gel. 

Show Results

View the results for the analysis of the gel image 

Download EgyGene GelAnalyzer4 software

Image Enhancement

Merging Data

Molecular Markers

Phylogenetic Tree

Population Parameters


All rights reserved

Egyptian Genetic Software (EgyGene)