Egyptian Genetic Software (EgyGene) Egyptian Genetic Software (EgyGene)

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Merging Data

دمج تحليلات Merging Data

The third part of the  program EgyGene GelAnalyzer4Merging Previous Data

Merging one zero data for several lanes in many gels together to build one big table contains the all lanes and bands


Automatical Matching

Matching the bands automatically between the entered data for different analyzed gel images


Manual Matching

Matching the bands manually between the entered data for different analyzed gel images


Deleting Matched Band

Un-matching bands between the entered data for different analyzed gel images


Show Merged Data

Displaying the merged data in one and big table contains all the entered data after matching the bands together


Image Enhancement

Image Analysis

Molecular Markers

Phylogenetic Tree

Population Parameters


All rights reserved

Egyptian Genetic Software (EgyGene)