Egyptian Genetic Software (EgyGene)

Egyptian Genetic Software (EgyGene)

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Automatical Matching


           This section of the  EgyGene GelAnalyzer4  software:  Merging Data  part includes the necessary commands to  matching the bands  ...

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Show Results


           This section of the  EgyGene GelAnalyzer4  software:  Image Analysis  part includes the necessary commands to view the results of...

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Marker Values


          This section of the  EgyGene GelAnalyzer4  software:  Image Analysis  part includes the necessary commands to enter the  values of...

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Lanes Names


         This section of the  EgyGene GelAnalyzer4  software:  Image Analysis  part includes the necessary commands for naming the lanes.

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Resizing Bands


        This section of the  EgyGene GelAnalyzer4  software:  Image Analysis  part includes the necessary commands to resize the borders of ...

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Merging Bands


        This section of the  EgyGene GelAnalyzer4  software:  Image Analysis  part includes the necessary commands to merge some bands to be...

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Splitting Bands


        This section of the  EgyGene GelAnalyzer4  software:  Image Analysis  part includes the necessary commands to splitting a detected b...

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Deleting Bands


        This section of the  EgyGene GelAnalyzer4  software:  Image Analysis  part includes the necessary commands to delete some bands from...

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Adding Bands


       This section of the  EgyGene GelAnalyzer4  software:  Image Analysis  part includes the necessary commands to detect a new band on th...

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Tilted lane


        This section of the  EgyGene GelAnalyzer4  software:  Image Analysis  part includes the necessary commands to draw a tilted lane or ...

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Resizing Lane


       This section of the  EgyGene GelAnalyzer4  software:  Image Analysis  part includes the necessary commands to resize the borders of a...

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Merging Lanes


       This section of the  EgyGene GelAnalyzer4  software:  Image Analysis  part includes the necessary commands to merge some lanes to be ...

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Splitting Lanes


       This section of the  EgyGene GelAnalyzer4  software:  Image Analysis  part includes the necessary commands to splitting a detected la...

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Deleting Lanes


       This section of the  EgyGene GelAnalyzer4  software:  Image Analysis  part includes the necessary commands to delete some lanes from ...

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Egyptian Genetic Software (EgyGene)