Egyptian Genetic Software (EgyGene) Egyptian Genetic Software (EgyGene)

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ReOrdering Lanes


ReOrdering Lanes

This section of the EgyGene GelAnalyzer4 software: Image Enhancement part includes the necessary commands to change the arrangement of lanes inside the gel.

Lanes Detection

The first step to rearrange the lanes inside the gel image is the detection of lanes on the image.

Tutorial video

(Set the video quality to 720 to be clear)


Move the Selected Lane to

The second step to rearrange the gel lanes is selecting the lane then move it to the new place. You can move the selected lane one step forward/backward or making it the first/last lane in the gel image.

Tutorial video

(Set the video quality to 720 to be clear)


Image ColorsImage Rotation
Image FlippingCropping Image


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Egyptian Genetic Software (EgyGene)