Egyptian Genetic Software (EgyGene) Egyptian Genetic Software (EgyGene)

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Cropping Image


Cropping Image

This section of the EgyGene GelAnalyzer4 software: Image Enhancement part includes the necessary commands to cut parts from the image. Either outside or inside cropping is enabeled. Outside cropping cut the edges of the image. While inside cropping eliminates lane(s) from the heart of the image!

Outside Cropping

Outside cropping cut the unwanted edges of the image. Also the same tool could be used to eliminate the terminal lane(s) from the gel image.

Tutorial video

(Set the video quality to 720 to be clear)


Inside Cropping

With the inside cropping command, the undesired internal lane(s) could be eliminated. Just determine the unwanted internal lane(s) then the program cut it out and merges the terminal lanes together.

Tutorial video

(Set the video quality to 720 to be clear)


Image ColorsImage Rotation
Image FlippingReOrdering Lanes


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Egyptian Genetic Software (EgyGene)