Egyptian Genetic Software (EgyGene) Egyptian Genetic Software (EgyGene)

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Image Colors

Image Colors

This section of the EgyGene GelAnalyzer4 software: Image Enhancement part includes the necessary commands to enhance the image colors by: Converting the image colors into grayscale - Getting the negative version of the image colors - Changing the degrees of brightness and contrast for the image colors.

Converting the colored image into a grayscaled one.

Tutorial video

(Set the video quality to 720 to be clear)


Inverting Colors
Changing the image colors into its complementary and making a negative version of the image. For example: if the bands are white on a gel background black; the bands become black on a white background.

 Tutorial video  

(Set the video quality to 720 to be clear)


Image Brightness

Adjusting the image brightness to clarify its bands. Pulling the track bar to thr right; increasing the image brightness. While the movement tward the left side; decreasing the brightness degree.

 Tutorial video  

(Set the video quality to 720 to be clear)


Image Contrast

Adjusting the image contrast to clarify its bands. Pulling the track bar to thr right; increasing the image degree of colors contrast. While the movement tward the left side; decreasing the contrast degree.

 Tutorial video  

(Set the video quality to 720 to be clear)


Image Rotation Image Flipping
Cropping Image ReOrdering Lanes


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Egyptian Genetic Software (EgyGene)